Sunday, December 10, 2006

Fallecio Pinochet - Ex-Chilean dictator Pinochet dies at 91

El ex dictador Augusto Pinochet, fallecido a las 17:15 GMT de este domingo en Santiago a los 91 años de edad, será recordado en Chile como un actor fundamental de la segunda mitad del siglo XX, con una herencia en que los crímenes contra los derechos humanos y la corrupción opacan definitivamente al estadista que algún día pretendió ser. (IPS)
"Pinochet's dictatorship laid the groundwork for South America's most stable economy, but his crackdown on dissent left a lasting legacy: His name has become a byword for the state terror, in many cases secretly supported by the United States, that retarded democratic change across the hemisphere. Pinochet died with his family at his side at the Santiago Military Hospital on Sunday, a week after suffering a heart attack".

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