Sunday, April 30, 2006

Cover of Rolling Stone Magazine May 4th 2006

George W. Bush
El Peor Presidente en la Historia?


Foto: Mabel Negrete
Los estadounidenses no han visto un 1 de mayo con actos masivos y huelgas en más de un siglo. Pero este lunes sí: los inmigrantes aprovecharán esta fecha histórica para protestar por el tratamiento que reciben en este país.

"Millones de personas participan en todo el planeta en manifestaciones para recordar la gesta de los obreros textiles asesinados en 1886 por policías antidisturbios en la ciudad estadounidense de Chicago. Los trabajadores reclamaban la reducción de la extenuante jornada laboral.
Pero la conmemoración del 1 de mayo no se realiza en Estados Unidos, el propio país donde se originó. Allí, el denominado Día del Trabajo es el primer lunes de septiembre.
Eso cambiará este lunes, con el "gran boicot estadounidense 2006, un día sin inmigrantes". Se trata de una huelga general el 1 de mayo para reclamar plenos derechos para los inmigrantes indocumentados".
(IPS)Haider Rizvi

Sunday, April 23, 2006

The Little Prince, 60 years among the stars

Image: Internet

He may have been around for 60 years, but 'The Little Prince' is unlikely to grow old any day soon, with Antoine Saint-Exupéry's tender tale of the power of love winning new hearts every year. What began as a drawing on a paper napkin in a New York restaurant has to date sold more than 80 million copies around the world — some 11 million in France — making it the most popular French book in the world.

Monday, April 10, 2006


Abril 09 2006
foto: sltrib

HISTORICA MANIFESTACION ayer en SALT LAKE CITY-Entre 20.000 & 30.000 personas
"Advocates for firmer action against illegal immigration argue that undocumented workers hurt the U.S. economy by taking jobs away from Americans. Immigrants' supporters say those workers take jobs no Americans want -- and without them, the economy wouldn't function".
Several rallies in support of immigrants' rights are held, including in New York, where thousands marched across the Brooklyn Bridge. The issue has come to the fore since the House of Representatives passed a law making it a felony to be in the United States without proper documentation. Congress is debating the most sweeping overhaul of U.S. immigration law in two decades. The Senate's plan includes a guest-worker program and a path to citizenship for the millions of illegal immigrants already in the country. It is considerably more favorable to undocumented workers than legislation passed by the House in December”. npr

Friday, April 07, 2006

National Poetry Month

Neruda & Morrison
comparten su poesia en la biblioteca de este vecindario
National Poetry Month (NPM) brings together publishers, booksellers, literary organizations, libraries, schools, and poets around the country to celebrate poetry and its vital place in American culture. Thousands of businesses and non-profit organizations participate through readings, festivals, book displays, workshops, and other events.